Bishop Mission Initiative - Bread of Life Ministry of Alexander Memorial UMC

Trentville is partnering with other area churches and individuals in the community to support the Bread of Life Meal Ministry of Alexander Memorial UMC in Bishop, VA. Bishop is a “company coal mining town” on the Vriginia & West Virginia state line that has fallen on hard times with the decline of the coal industry, and many people in and around Holston Conference have stepped up to assist Alexander Memorial in their ministries. This support continues throughout the year in the form of monetary donations, food deliveries, school supplies, and other desperately needed items. There will be a trip planned in November 2021 to deliver bulk food and Christmas gifts, and another trip in January 2022 to deliver a donation of frozen meat for the meal ministry. If you would like to know more about the ministry, please contact the church office at 865-933-5041, or you can check out the Alexander Bread of Life Facebook page at

Online Giving coming soon!

Be watching for an announcement soon regarding online giving to Trentville! We are currently studying the options available and will be choosing a provider soon. Holston Conference has been providing an online option since the start of the pandemic, but we anticipate that option will be ending soon. Some of the features which will be available include online giving through the website, automatic tithing with ACH transfers, mobile tithing, and possibly text alerts for information regarding Trentville. More details are coming soon!

Trentville feeds the CHS Marching Hornets Band to kick off Band Camp

On Wednesday, July 21st, the Carter High Band kicked off the 2021 Marching Season with the official start of the 2021 Band Camp. Once again this year , Trentville was asked by the Band Boosters to provide the lunch meal for the first day of Band Camp. This year we served Ham and Turkey sandwiches, with chips, fresh watermelon, drinks, and everyone’s favorite snack, Little Debbies snack cakes. This year’s Band Lunch was organized by Gina Underwood, and several people in the church came together to put together and serve the meal to the band members and staff. We are honored to be asked each year to “bat leadoff” for the meals and help get the Band Camp off on the right foot each year. Go Hornets!

Trentville is back!

Join us on Sunday, June 14th, as we re-open our Sunday morning service, starting at 10:30 AM. We will be following CDC guidelines for social distancing, will have plenty of hand sanitizer stationed throughout the church, and masks will be available for anyone who does not bring their own. To try and limit the spread of CoVid-19, there will not be a time of fellowship during the service, every other pew will be marked off and left empty, and we will have a drop-off point for offerings. We will continue to offer our service on Facebook Live each week, and will be working to upgrade our online presentation in the next few weeks.